Further Reading around System Mapping
Read about them with Joss Colchester here.
As an illustration of why systems become complex, see this picture from Dave Kline showing increased connections as a group becomes larger.
An important part of the CES work is to gradually map the complex education systems of the UK jurisdicitons and the many interactions of their component parts (or in CES terms, different policy areas).
A start to system mapping can be found here, with the help of IPPO and here with the work of the National Infrastructure team.
To reflect on how social systems have many layers of complexity, and why we need to dig deeper to find the right solutions, read “The role and power of re-patterning in systems change” from The Griffith Centre for Systems innovation, here
For a forward looking take on how knowledge can be generated, shared and kept up to date, helping complex system management, read Geoff Mulgan here
Also, read Geoff Mulgan here, for a distinction between analysis (breaking something complex down ) and synthesis (bringing things together in a new way)